07 February 2009

Food for the next administration

Beyond the useful resources on the website with respect to food and farming in the greater New York City area is a link to a great panel presentation on US food policy. The speakers featured are: Mark Ritchie, Judith Redmond, Michael Berwick and Michael Pollan.

Sustainable Food Monitor | Growing Better Global Food Policy

04 February 2009

How Meat Contributes to Global Warming: Scientific American

By Nathan Fiala, an economics PhD student.

03 February 2009

Home Work - Perusing the Seed Catalogs, Feeling Dizzy With Possibility - NYTimes.com

in maine, in the middle of a snowy white winter, the colors and imagined smells and flavors in seed catalogs are an absolutely indescribable delight.

02 February 2009

Blog: Living on Food Stamps - CNN.com

A blog to watch over the next month. The CNN reporter writing the blog, Sean Callebs, is going to try to feed himself on $176 for the entire next month. $176 is the amount of food assistance that the federal government would give a single individual through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program -- formerly known as food stamps.